Denyse DelDotto
Soul Level Animal Communicator & Animal Reiki
Services & Payments
Soul Level Animal Communication
The animals in your life understand you better than you know.
They understand your intentions, emotions, images and thoughts behind your words, even if the words themselves aren’t totally understood.
As an Soul Level Animal Communication, Denyse will intuitively connect with you and your animal to help you understand your animal’s wisdom. During the session, she will receive and share with you the messages and lessons they are here to teach you.
30 or 45 Minute Session
Please read the FAQ page and Session Preparation page to help you get the best reading possible.
Distance Reiki
Reiki is a gentle holistic healing modality treating the mind, body and spirit. It can help with the treatment of pain,side effects from surgery or trauma, stress, and anxiety that an illness may cause. * Animals love Reiki.
*An intuitive session is not a replacement for medical or veterinary care. No one knows your animal better than you. If you have medical concerns about your animal, please seek the advice of a veterinarian. All sessions are subject to each individual’s interpretation.
30 or 45 Minute Session
Connecting With Your Animals That Have Crossed Over
In addition to receiving the wisdom of the animals in your life, Denyse will connect with those beloved animals that have crossed over.
As an Intuitive Animal Communicator, Denyse will intuitively connect with you and your animal that has passed, to receive and share with you the messages and lessons they are teaching you from the other side.
Please read the FAQ page and Session Preparation page to help you get the best reading possible.